3.1 EFP Program Goals and Priorities [Top]
A sustainable agriculture industry in British Columbia.
- Protection of the land.
- Enhancement of the effectiveness and competitiveness of farms and ranches.
- Open and transparent communication, except where protection of confidentiality is needed.
- Building partnerships.
Key Objectives
- Encourage farmers and ranchers to be good stewards of the land.
- Ensure the future of the BC agricultural industry through the further implementation of Beneficial Management Practices.
- Foster partnerships with agencies.
- Be a proactive process to help farmers and ranchers identify environmental opportunities and risks on their own land.
- Be confidential and voluntary.
- Raise awareness of progress being made on the land.
- Improve farm profitability.
- Improve the public perception of agriculture.
- Reduce conflicts between agriculture and environmental interest.
- Reduce wildlife impacts to agricultural lands.
3.2 New EFPs [Top]
3.2.1 Eligibility
Prior to accepting a new agricultural operation into the Program, the PA must verify whether or not the farm or ranch qualifies as an eligible participant. Eligible participants in the EFP Program are farm or ranch units with valid 'Farm Class' land as designated by the BC Assessment Authority, or First Nations agricultural operations.
One EFP will available to farm or ranch units in British Columbia. A farm or ranch unit:
- Generally encompasses all the farming or ranching activities associated with a single Federal Business Number (formally known as the GST number);
- Should be classed “farm’ for the purposes of the provincial property taxation assessment;
- Encompasses all the agricultural activities normally associated with the farm unit;
- Normally includes all contiguous farm parcels but might also include remote parcels;
- May include land leased for a term equal to, or exceeding, five years;
- May include Crown lease land but not Crown license land;
- May include more than one agricultural enterprise; and,
- May consist of more than one owner.
Lands administered by First Nations are not subject to all provisions of the Farm Unit Definition
Farmland, buildings and other assets will only be covered once by an Environmental Farm Plan.
What constitutes a “farm unit” will normally be evident and the determination made by the EFP Planning Advisor. Where the PA is uncertain of what constitutes a “farm unit” they may seek assistance from the Program Manager.
3.2.2 Process
PAs and producers will follow the process for completing an EFP as outlined in the "Reference Guide: The Canada - British Columbia Environmental Farm Plan Program, Fifth Edition, October 2013 Reprint" and "Planning Workbook: The Canada - British Columbia Environmental Farm Plan Program, Fifth Edition, October 2013 Reprint", prepared by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and published by ARDCorp.
EFP Reference Guide Materials
- EFP Reference Guide Table of Contents
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 1
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 2
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 3
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 4
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 5
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 6
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 7
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 8
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 9
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 10
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 11
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter 12
- EFP Reference Guide Chapter Appendices
EFP On-Farm Checklist
Optional checklist to ensure all elements are covered during EFP on-farm visits:
- EFP overview document
- Maps and data for property
- Complete workbook/action plan
- Statement of Completion
- Discuss BMPs
- BMP list/ BMP Terms and Conditions
- BMP application form
- Collect farm data
- Copy or image of property assessment notice/action plan
- Next steps discussed
3.2.3 Confidentiality and Reporting Requirements
PAs must collect information requested by ARDCorp for each EFP completed (relating to producer contact information and farming practices employed), keep records of such information, and submit the information to ARDCorp in a form specified by ARDCorp and in accordance to the guidelines for reporting and invoicing provided by ARDCorp. PAs will use the following form for EFP activity reporting:
PA Monthly Activity Report
During the development of an EFP, where a PA suspects non-compliance with environmental regulation, the PA will advise the producer of his or her concerns in writing (i.e. this information must be included in the Farm Action Plan). While the Advisor may provide suggestions for resolving the issue, the responsibility for the suspected non-compliance and its resolution rests solely with the producer.
The contents of an Environmental Farm Plan are confidential and the Advisors will not voluntarily disclose information obtained during the EFP process to a third party except in the following circumstances:
- If directed to do so by the producer;
- If ordered to do so by a Court of competent jurisdiction; or,
- Where not disclosing the information could result in a severe and imminent threat to public health or safety.
3.3 EFP Renewals [Top]
3.3.1 Renewal Triggers
There are three primary reasons for producers to update their Environmental Farm Plan:
- The EFP is more than 5 years old. This is a good opportunity to identify any new or outstanding environmental risks on the operation.
- Changes to legislation or program priorities. The legislation as well as program policies and priorities are continually updated. Renewals help producers to be aware of these changes.
- Changes to the farming operation could change environmental risks. Operational changes, new equipment, changes to acreage or animal numbers or a wide range of other factors can change the operation’s environmental risks. These new risks should be identified so that appropriate Beneficial Management Practices can be targeted to mitigate them.
EFP Renewal Information Document
3.3.2 Renewal Process
Step 1: A producer can contact either a PA directly or ARDCorp and indicate that they would like to renew their EFP. A renewal reminder may also first be sent by ARDCorp.
- Step 1.a. If the producer has retained their original workbook and materials, and indicate they are capable of completing a self-assessment, they will be sent the updated planning materials (if required, i.e. they completed their original EFP prior to 2010) and the EFP Renewal Assessment Form.
- Step 1.b. If the producer has NOT retained their original EFP workbook and materials, or indicate they are incapable of completing a self-assessment, planning materials and the EFP Renewal Assessment Form will be delivered by their PA (or a new PA assigned by ARDCorp) for an on-farm renewal session.
EFP Renewal Assessment Form
Step 2:Producer completes the newest version of the EFP workbook (as needed) and EFP Renewal Assessment form with or without the assistance of a PA (per Step 1). The EFP Renewal Assessment Form requires the producer to describe their operation and identify any changes that could impact environmental risks on the operation (e.g. greater than 30% change in acreage or animal numbers and any change in enterprise). The producer signs a declaration stating they have reviewed the materials and then:
- Step 2.a. Submits the completed documents along with the old workbook to their PA, or to ARDCorp, if the original PA is no longer active with the Program. ARDCorp will assign the renewal to new PA.
- Step 2.b.PA guides selection of appropriate actions.
Step 3:After these documents are submitted for review there are three possible outcomes:
Outcome 1: No changes that could impact the environmental risks on their operation; original workbook has been retained and PA has working knowledge of the operation.
- The producer acknowledges that there has been no change in operation and the PA has a current working knowledge of the operation and its activities. The PA reviews the new and original planning workbook and signs off on the EFP Renewal Assessment Form.
- The Advisor will review the original and current planning workbooks, assessment form and any files, maps, etc. to be comfortable with the knowledge of the site. A new Statement of Completion will be issued, identifying the original work book number, original date, new work book number and new date of completion with all signatures present.
Outcome 2: No changes that could impact the environmental risks on their operation; PA does not have working knowledge of the operation, or original workbook has not been retained.
- The producer acknowledges there has been no change in operation, but the PA does not have current working knowledge of the operation and its activities. The PA is required to complete a site inspection and verify that the farm operation has not undergone a change which would impact the environmental risks identified in the original EFP.
- The Advisor will review the Assessment Form, the original and current Planning Workbook, any files, maps, etc. to become familiar with the site. The Advisor will complete a site inspection to ensure there have been not changes in operation that could impact environmental risk and assist the producer in completing and updated Action List with the current program materials.
- A new Statement of Completion will be issued upon completion which identifies the original work book number, original date, new work book number and new date of completion with all signatures present.
Outcome 3: Changes that has impacted the environmental risk have occurred on the operation.
- The producer completes the EFP Renewal Assessment Form and indicates there has been a change in their operation (e.g. greater than 30% change in acreage or animal numbers and if there has been a change in enterprise) that they believe has impacted their environmental risk profile.
- This automatically results in the need for a full EFP to be completed with the same process as a new EFP.
- The PA will review the Renewal Assessment Form, the original EFP (if retained), any files, maps, etc., to be familiar with the site and to complete a site inspection to the same degree as if it were a new EFP and will assist the producer in completing an updated Action Plan. New mapping will be required.
- A new Statement of Completion will be issued upon completion identifying the original work book number, original date, new work book number and new date of completion with all signatures present.
- Prior Approval from ARDCorp is needed before an Advisor completes a full EFP on a farm that has an existing EFP.
3.3.3 Reporting
In addition to the standard monthly reporting, the PA must submit the completed and signed EFP Renewal Assessment Form to ARDCorp.
3.4 Implementation [Top]
3.4.1 Completed vs Implemented
Completed Plans:
- Producer has answered all the applicable Planning Workbook sections and completed all relevant Farm Review Worksheets;
- All questions that might initially have been answered with a (?) have now either a Yes, No or N/A response;
- An action plan has been developed to resolve all red and yellow box questions;
- All red box and yellow box questions have been prioritized based on the rankings on Page 77 of the 2010 version of the Planning Workbook; and,
- A Statement of Completion has been signed by both the producer and the Advisor.
Note: Advisors are able to sign a Statement of Completion provided any Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) and Riparian Management Plan (RMP) action items are placed as high priorities on the producer’s action plan. In other words, when time of the year, weather or other factors restrict an Advisors ability to complete a NMP or RMP a “Statement of Completion” can still be issued allowing producers to submit applications for BMP funding.
Implemented Plans:
- Action items for all the red box questions (those with high priority due to an associated high or very high level of risk) have been achieved (i.e. turned green)
- Actions triggered by yellow boxes do not have to be dealt with for the plan to be considered as Implemented.
The importance of implementation is that action has been taken to change practices and mitigate environmental issues. In other words, the Beneficial Management Program action items have been implemented.
3.4.2 Implementation Process
Step 1: Producer requests implementation status and completes the following form:
- Implementation Application (coming soon)
Step 2: PA reviews the producer's EFP Action Plan to ensure all red box questions have been resolved. When affirmed, signs the application and submits to ARDCorp.
Step 3: Optional. Producer applies for farm gate signage.3.4.3 Farm Gate Signs
- Signs were redesigned in 2011 and do not include frame or hardware.
- Signs will ship from ARDCorp office weekly.
- Producers will be responsible for the ordering and cost of the shingle.
- Shipped signs will include order forms for the shingles and do not require further action from the PA.
Shingle application form (coming soon)