5.1 Data Protection [Top]
ARDCorp and PAs need to gather and use data from producers. This policy describes how data must be collected, stored and kept secure. All information contained within the Environmental Farm Plans is confidential. All confidential information must be stored safely and securely whether it is stored digitally or on paper copies. The information below provides guidelines for using, storing and protecting data.
5.1.1 General Guidelines
- Only those who need the data or information for their work should have access to the data or information.
- Data should not be shared informally.
- All efforts should be made to keep data secure by taking sensible precautions and sending data or information only through secure channels.
- Strong passwords should be used, and passwords should never be shared.
- Personal or confidential data should not be disclosed to unauthorized people our sources.
- Data should be regularly reviewed, and out of date or unnecessary data should be deleted or disposed of.
- Data should never be used for anything outside of the scope of work with ARDCorp.
- If unsure of anything related to data protection, request help or advice Data Storage.
- Paper or physical data should be stored in a locked drawer or filling cabinet.
- Paper or physical files should not be left or stored where unauthorized people will be able to see or access them.
- Paper or physical printouts should be shredded and securely disposed of when they are no longer needed.
5.1.2 Digital Data
- All data stored on removable media (e.g. CDs, DVDs, flash drives, memory cards, etc.) should be password protected and securely locked away when not in use.
- Data should be backed up frequently and stored at a secure location.
- Data will be held in as few places as necessary.
- Data should be updated if and when data inaccuracies are identified.
5.1.3 Secure Passwords
- At least eight characters long;
- Does not contain your name, or other personal information;
- Is significantly different from your other passwords; and,
- Contains a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and keyboard symbols.
Note: Longer passwords are much more secure than shorter passwords. Passwords with a series of words may be easier to remember and more secure than shorter, random passwords. For example “1-Spider-Running-Backwards” is both more memorable and more secure than “Fl8-SB”.
5.2 Communications Materials/Logo Use [Top]
All communications, publicity and marketing materials must meet the conditions set forward by the Province of British Columbia and ARDCorp.
- If and when necessary, PAs will cooperate with ARDCorp regarding public announcements, news releases, even opportunities or other communications activities.
- PAs must not provide any media releases, promotional material or communications in a public forum without pre-approval from ARDCorp.
- PAs must acknowledge the financial contribution made by the Province and Canada on any signage, posters, exhibits, pamphlets, brochures, advertising, websites, forms for use by Advisors, or other materials or publications produced by ARDCorp or Advisors.
All advertisements must:
- Include display of the Growing Forward 2 logo, Provincial logo and Canada word mark;
- Include a key message pre-approved by the Province;
- All advertisements, including print advertisements, must have prior approval from ARDCorp, and may also require approval from the Province. To obtain approval Advisors must send the materials to ARDCorp for review. ARDCorp will obtain permissions from any other stakeholders, if required.
- All communications regarding ARDCorp and its programs must be respectful, constructive and accurate. Advisors must not disseminate negative, obstructive or unhelpful information.
5.3 Ethical Guidelines [Top]
These ethical guidelines recognize that Advisors have responsibilities to the general public, to producers, and to ARDCorp along with any legal requirements and responsibilities to professional association(s). Advisors may have existing relationships outside of their work with ARDCorp and must be mindful of their responsibilities and agreements with ARDCorp in all professional settings. All PAs must be competent, qualified and conduct their work with professionalism in meeting responsibilities.
5.3.1 Responsibilities to the public
- PAs must be appropriately skilled, hold the relevant qualifications and maintain a level of knowledge required to complete their work;
- PAs must exercise due diligence in ensuring that all information is clearly presented to producers, explaining the principles involved and the potential risks and benefits of action.
5.3.2 Responsibilities to the producer client and ARDCorp
- PAs must consider the importance of the quality of their work in all actions and work with all stakeholders;
- PAs must make every effort to learn all the information required to successfully complete the work, and ensure their knowledge is up-to-date.
5.3.3 Conflict of Interest
Advisors may have existing relationships with other stakeholders, or work in the industry outside of their contractual relationship with ARDCorp. Advisors agree:
- To declare any possible conflict of interest to ARDCorp;
- Not to use their relationship with ARDCorp to endorse other commercial activities;
- Not to share any confidential or privileged information;
- Not to diminish, demean, or speak poorly of ARDCorp or its’ programs with other parties;
- Not to use their position with ARDCorp or any other organization to obtain unfair advantages;
- To maintain the confidentiality of information obtained from ARDCorp and EFPs at all times.
5.3.4 Professional Communication
Advisors must be respectful, professional and balanced in all information shared about ARDCorp, its staff and programs. PAs must not directly or indirectly contest the value of ARDCorp programs. Disparaging comments about the EFP or BMP programs or any of their stakeholders and partners are not acceptable and may be considered a breach of contract.