1.1 Job Snapshot [Top]

PAs are independent consultants trained to provide one-on-one assistance for the EFP and BMP Programs that is available to qualified agricultural producers in the province.

Advisors have a critical role in delivering EFPs and in supporting producers to complete BMP applications. They are the essential link between the producer and the EFP Program, ensuring each EFP reflects the farming operation it is based on while maintaining the level of confidentiality BC producers have come to know and expect.

Each Advisor will bring professionalism and knowledge to every EFP, to the benefit of agricultural producers and furthering the program’s goals and objectives. PAs give producers confidence that they are well-informed and have thoroughly examined their environmental strengths and risks, and have an action plan in place to address on-farm stewardship.

1.2 Key Responsibilities [Top]

1.2.1 Environmental Farm Plans
  1. Deliver the EFP Program to qualified producers within commodity groups and/or geographic areas designated by ARDCorp. PAs will work with more than one commodity group and may be asked to travel outside of their geographic region
  2. Recruit producers to participate in the program through active promotion and marketing activities supported by ARDCorp (e.g. cost sharing of expenses, technical materials)
  3. Activity recruit eligible producers to complete the EFP renewal process
  4. Introduce and explain the principles and objectives of the EFP planning materials to producers
  5. Provide technical support to producers and assist them to complete an EFP by:
    • Preparing maps of the operation (if the producer does not have any)
    • Reviewing the Planning Workbook with the producer, providing technical support to guide them in identifying the best possible answers
    • Assisting the producer in preparing an Action Plan with appropriate priorities
    • Viewing the farming operation to confirm information in the EFP is reflective of the operation
    • Issuing a Statement of Completion (SOC) as appropriate, and
    • Completing any reporting requirements to the producer (i.e. additional maps) and ARDCorp (monthly invoices and activity reports).
  6. Verify that producers applying for a Statement of Implementation have addressed all of the outstanding issues on their EFP Action Plan by:
    • Reviewing the producer’s EFP Action Plan
    • Confirming all issues triggered by a red box in the EFP have been addressed,
    • Confirming all Planning BMP’s (Biodiversity Management, Grazing Management, Nutrient Management, Riparian Health Assessments, Drainage Management, Integrated Pest Management, Vegetative Buffer, Irrigation Management and Water Management) that were triggered by the EFP have been completed.
1.2.2 Beneficial Management Practices Applications

Assist producers in completing applications for funding under the BMP Program by:

  1. Reviewing the producer’s completed application form, their SOC and a copy of their EFP Action Plan
  2. Ensuring the SOC is valid within 5 years of the date of the completion date of the BMP project
  3. Ensuring the project being applied for addresses an issue/potential issue identified in the Action Plan
  4. Ensuring the BMP project being applied for is eligible in the current year of the program
  5. Ensuring all required sections of the application form are complete
  6. Signing the completed application form and returning it to producer (or if it is already signed it can be sent directly for submission to the program)
1.2.3 Miscellaneous

Assist producers in completing applications for funding under the BMP Program by:

  1. Collect information requested by ARDCorp for each activity, keep records of such information, and submit the information to ARDCorp in a form specified by ARDCorp
  2. Submit monthly invoices, or inform the Program Manager that no program-related activity has been undertaken in a given month, and hence no invoice or reporting will be forthcoming
  3. Participate in program update sessions or training as required by ARDCorp or the funding partners; and
  4. Provide feedback to ARDCorp, when requested, on the effectiveness of the program and delivery mechanisms
1.2.4 Desirable Criteria
  1. Producer engagement - deliver presentations, other promotion, and other direct communication skills (with appropriate telephone and email etiquette)
  2. Program feedback and reporting (to ARDCorp and partners) - ability to effectively and professionally provide the needed information
  3. Capacity to work independently and within required timeframes and schedules.
1.2.5 Qualifications for Preparing Planning BMPs

Category 25: Integrated Pest Management Planning - The minimum requirements for contractors and consultants providing integrated pest management planning services are a valid Pesticide Applicator Certificate from the Ministry of Environment, AND one of the following:

  • Full membership in the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists with a minimum of 3 years experience in providing pest management advisory services on the commodity or discipline for which advice is being provided; or,
  • A combination of post secondary education in agriculture or related discipline and a minimum 5 years experience providing pest management advisory services on the commodity or discipline for which advice is being provided.

Category 26: Grazing Management Planning - The minimum requirements for contractors and consultants providing grazing management planning services would be any one of the following:

  • Full membership in the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists;
  • Certified Professional in Range Management from the Society for Range Management;
  • Certified Consultant in Range Management from the Society for Range Management;
  • At least 5 years of range management experience.

Category 27: Soil Erosion Control Planning - The minimum requirements for contractors and consultants providing soil erosion planning services would be any one of the following:

  • Qualified registered professional (PAg, PEng or RPF) licensed to practice in BC with a minimum of 3 years experience in soil erosion control (agricultural setting); or,
  • Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control from CPESC, Inc. (a certification organization/program sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) and the International Erosion Control Association (IECA)).

Category 28: Biodiversity Management Planning - The minimum requirement for contractors and consultants providing biodiversity management planning services would be a qualified registered professional, preferably an RPBio (or other licensed professional) with at least 3 years demonstrated competence to conduct the following:

  • Identify local species and ecosystems that would occur in a natural undisturbed environment;
  • Assess habitat requirements of naturally occurring species;
  • Determine what the limiting factors are for habitat and species in the area of interest and which species and habitats may be enhanced or restored;
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of applicable environmental legislation (e.g. Species at Risk Act; Fisheries Act, Wildlife Act, etc.);
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of when other professionals (P.Ag, RPF, PEng) may be needed to work as a team to design an appropriate biodiversity enhancement plan.

Category 29: Irrigation Management Planning - For BMP’s that do NOT require a new irrigation system to be installed:

  • Full membership in the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists, at least three years of experience in irrigation design and management and have attended the EFP Irrigation Management Training Program; or,
  • Full membership in the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, at least three years of experience in irrigation design and/or management and have attended the EFP Irrigation Management Training Program; or,
  • Certified Irrigation Designer (CID) in either agriculture sprinkler or agriculture trickle, registered with the Irrigation Industry Association of British Columbia and have attended the EFP Irrigation Management Training Program, or;
  • EFP Planning Advisors that have completed the EFP Irrigation Management Training Program.

    Where a new irrigation system is to be installed:
  • Certified Irrigation Plan must be prepared by an IIABC Certified Irrigation Designer that is registered in agriculture sprinkler or agriculture trickle.

Category 2902: Water Management Planning - The minimum requirements for contractors and consultants providing water management planning services would be any of the following:

  • Full membership in the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists, at least three years of experience in drainage design and/or management and have attended the EFP Drainage Management Training Program; or,
  • Full membership in the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, at least three years of experience in drainage design and/or management and have attended the EFP Drainage Management Training Program; or,
  • EFP Planning Advisors that have attended the Drainage Management Training Program.

1.3 Roles [Top]

Planning Advisors are subcontracted to BC ARDCorp to support agricultural producers in completing Environmental Farm Plans and Beneficial Management Practices Program applications. Planning advisors work closely with ARDCorp, and strong communication is essential to ensure both stay well informed and up-to-date.

The following diagram represents all Program stakeholders. Communications are indicated by the connecting lines.